Welcome to Biz Tip Tuesday on the Oily Moon Essentials Blog! Every week, I’ll be focusing on a new business topic related to growing your essential oil business! We’ll chat social media tips, entrepreneurship, time management, goal setting, connection building, and so much more — plus I’ll be sharing a ton of free resources along the way for you!
Let’s dive in to our first Biz Tip Tuesday & chat brand pillars!
What's your Brand?
The word “brand” might feel like a scary word for you.. trust me, I still struggle with it to this day – because frankly, I’m just showing up and sharing my life on a daily basis! But all of us have a brand – a set of unique skills and characteristics that draw people into our community. Your brand is the reason people click the “follow” button or end up purchasing from you. It’s the expertise, experience, and personality that you want everyone else to see & know you by!
What are Brand Pillars?
Think of brand pillars as your core content categories! These are the subjects/topics that you share on your social media/page consistently. My goal for you is to narrow down your brand pillars to 3-5 categories. For example, your brand pillars could be: homesteading, yoga, and nontoxic cleaning.
Here are more examples of brand pillars:
- homeschooling
- traveling
- intentional living (sustainability, low tox, etc)
- product reviews
- tech
- personal development
- marriage/relationships
- culture or religion
- art or crafts (calligraphy, sewing, watercolor)
- photography, videography
- diys
- investing + finance
- working from home / stay at home mom
- motherhood (or topics related to parenting)
- mental health
- fitness
- meal planning, cooking, nutrition
- home decor
- fashion (every day, mom, teacher, etc.)
- beauty
- body positivity
- mindset
- pregnancy
- yoga
- marketing tips
- entrepreneurship + biz tips
Why Brand Pillars Matter
The reason I urge you to craft your personal brand + narrow down your brand pillars is because without a focus, our social media page can feel messy, overwhelming, or scattered. We want people to visit our page and within about 3 seconds, know exactly what they’re going to find on our page.
And more importantly, as we grow our businesses on social media – we have to build connections + earn trust. The best way we can do that is by providing value and being consistent! That means focusing in on a few categories and relentlessly showing up + providing value regarding those topics.
provide value, serve your people, earn trust, + be yourself!

Ready to find your brand pillars?
I’ve created a free worksheet for you to use to help you narrow down your brand pillars to 3-5 categories!
Looking for more Biz resources!?
I’m here to help you! The Oily Moon Collective is my monthly subscription for U.S. Young Living Brand Partners growing on social media + looking for curated content, graphics, and resources to educate, inspire, + connect with your community—so you can spend your time doing what matters most for your oily business!
what you can expect:
- educational graphics, classes, and guides
- month-specific + seasonal graphics (including monthly promos, back in stocks, and seasonal inspired content)
- diy recipe graphics + content
- one-on-one zoom calls + biz trainings with brooklyn
- bundle graphics + prospecting resources
- customer onboarding systems
- project broadcast campaigns
- personal development + business resources
- instagram aesthetic resources
- integration into project broadcast, IG stories, FB posts
& so much more!